Monday, May 26, 2008

Just over a week ago, I had the privilege of showcasing Spoiled Rotten Baby at the Megumi Japanese Preschool Bazaar in Bellevue, Washington. It was a fun day, complete with activities and games, a rummage sale of Japanese books, cds, and videos, yummy authentic Japanese food, and a few of us vendors. Along with Spoiled Rotten Baby, other vendors included: Jennifer Porter from Satsuma Designs, Carol Schiller from Baby Chaleco Performance Wear (my last post for more on Baby Chaleco), Tristen Benz from Maiden America, and a few others.

Megumi Japanese Preschool is a Japanese immersion school, which I personally think is very cool. Coming from a widely mixed background of Swedish, French, German, and Native American, it is hard for me to truly imagine being able to connect with my culture like the kids at Megumi do. If you are lucky enough to live near Bellevue, and have a Japanese background, check Megumi out. If you are even luckier, you'll get on their list!

- Yoi ichinichi oh!
(Loosly translated: Have a nice day!)


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